Why shouldn't I use a translator when learning a language?

Why learn languages when you can simply copy and paste the text you don't understand into an online translator? Online translators are becoming more and more efficient, integrating artificial intelligence into their engines. Even if you're motivated to learn, wouldn't they be good tools?

The problem is that the translation, whether good or bad, gives you a block answer in your original language. This block is often reworked to express the original idea as well as possible, always with a certain degree of loss of meaning. You lose the structures of the language you're learning. To translate is to betray.

But when you're learning a language, you're not interested in obtaining this block, but in understanding the process by which it is formed, so that you can gradually integrate it into your cognitive capacity. If you make the effort to identify the components of a sentence (subject, verb, complement...) and form meaning on your own, then you'll be able to grasp the nuances of the language and gradually build up automaticity.

That's why Octopus T2L is not and never will be a translator. Octopus T2L is designed to train human beings, whereas artificial intelligence trains machines.

02 novembre 2024